Rainbow Water Beads 10g

Water Beads are made from a super absorbent polymer which expands to over 100 times its original size when added to water! These water beads will become marble-sized. Children can learn important hand-eye coordination skills from playing with objects of different textures, especially these squishy beads that move and appear to take on colour from objects around them.
There are so many fun ways to play with these colourful delights!
What's Included:
  • A 10g packet of Rainbow Water Beads (makes approx. 500 beads)

Some fun ideas for Rainbow Water Beads:
  1. Mix up 2 or 3 colours and see who can separate them into single colour bowls the fastest.

  2. Drop some small objects like tumbled stones or coins under the water beads and try to find them all.

  3. Glow sticks under beads look magical and keep kids entertained for ages!

  4. Bounce them off different surfaces.

  5. Add some watercolour paints and roll the beads across a canvas for an interesting effect.

  6. Hold up a bead and look through in amazement as the world turns upside down.

  7. Watch the first phase of expanding as they take on a unique rippled ‘brain’ shape for a short time.

  1. Soak the contents of one pack in 1 litre of clean water for 6-8 hours.

  2. Drain & discard excess water.

  3. Wash once a week to keep clean – use a small amount of hand sanitiser.

  4. Soak in water to re-hydrate when they shrink considerably.

  5. To optimise the life of your water beads, do not allow them to completely dry. Can last for up to 2 years.

  6. Dispose of unwanted water beads by breaking them down into mush and spread throughout the compost or garden. 

Water Beads Precautions & Safety Information
These polymer products are Non-Toxic and 100% Biodegradable. These should be treated as water and not allowed in contact with moisture-sensitive surfaces or electrical appliances.  Do not keep the expanded product in direct sunlight.
Keep unexpanded Water Beads away from children under 6 years. Ingestion hazard.
Keep out of reach of children under 3 years at all times – May present a choking hazard.
Do not swallow or eat this product. Do not consume any discarded water.
Do not dispose of water beads down the drain, place then in the garden.  Do not place in fish tank or waterway.
Product is NON-TOXIC but is not suitable for human or animal consumption.  For personal hygiene purposes, we recommend washing your hands thoroughly before and after contact.